Quite a bit, as it turns out. National Tooth Fairy Day just passed on August 22, so we’re taking a closer look at just one of the many tricks parents and dental professionals have to make taking care of their teeth fun for kids. We understand that taking your child to the dentist isn’t always a fun day out, so we do everything we can at Smile Boutique to make going to the dentist a positive experience.
But let’s get back to the Tooth Fairy. How much does she pay these days?
The first tooth is pretty expensive.
Whether your child is nervous or excited about losing their first tooth, it’s a big deal. And the going rate for a first tooth bears that out. According to a report from the New York Post this February, it’s not uncommon for parents—ahem, the Tooth Fairy—to pay $20 for a first tooth. It seems no one is immune to inflation, not even the Tooth Fairy.
Delta Dental releases the Tooth Fairy Index every year.
Dental insurance provider Delta Dental has been taking its Original Tooth Fairy Poll® for 24 years, and it makes for fascinating reading. If you’re interested in stats about Tooth Fairy prices, that is. Delta Dental first took this poll in 1998. Then, the average price for a lost tooth was $1.30. Since then, the average price has more than quadrupled. In 2022, it was $5.36. But if you break it down by region, the numbers get more interesting. Well, we think so, anyway. The South is the closest to the national average at $5.77. The West and Midwest are the lowest, at $4.08 and $4.27, respectively. We shell out the most in the Northeast, with an average of $7.36. Delta Dental also compares the Tooth Fairy Index™ to the S&P 500. Interestingly, although the S&P 500 took a dip, the Tooth Fairy Index™ continues to rise.
Take Your Child to the Dentist for Tooth Fairy Day!
Or schedule an appointment, at least. Whether you keep up with market trends or are more conservative in your pricing, your children’s oral health is the important thing. Every parent has their own methods of motivating their children to build healthy habits. If the Tooth Fairy is one of yours, now you’re equipped with the data to keep up with the going rates!