Have you had issues with a specific tooth even after a non-surgical root canal treatment? In a standard root canal procedure, the infected tissues in the canal are removed. But, sometimes, the inflammation and infection can continue to persist. If left untreated, the infected roots can spread and cause damage to other teeth and result in jawbone deterioration. The team at Smile Boutique understands that dental work can be a lot to deal with, and we want to make it easier for you.
Here’s when it may be time for an apicoectomy in Massachusetts.
What is an apicoectomy?
In a nutshell, an apicoectomy is a straightforward procedure to save teeth in both children and adults. The surgery consists of the removal of the tooth’s root tip and the surrounding tissues. Its main goal of an apicoectomy is to eliminate the infection and preserve the tooth. The last thing we want is to perform an extraction.
Knowing when it’s time for an apicoectomy in Massachusetts.
Sometimes, a root canal procedure doesn’t do the job, and this is where an apicoectomy, or root-end surgery, comes into play. Infected and inflamed tissues are exceptionally painful. Here are a few reasons why this treatment may be necessary:
Small Adjoining Root Branches
Your roots are a complex spread of tiny branches. If any of the branches are sealed during the root canal process and are not cleaned properly, inflammation can persist.
Blocked Root Canal
Sometimes a surgeon cannot effectively clean a root canal due to it being blocked by a fractured file from a previous treatment. If this is the case, infection and debris can affect the health of nearby teeth.
Narrow or Curved Root Canals
If a root canal is poorly shaped, the files cannot easily reach the root tip. Therefore, infection or reinfection can quickly occur.
Choose Smile Boutique for Apicoectomy in Massachusetts
The professionals at Smile Boutique are ready to help you learn whether an apicoectomy in Massachusetts is the proper treatment for you. Don’t delay if you’re having issues. Infections can spread and lead to more serious dental health issues.
To schedule your personalized consultation, contact our office today at 508-481-8094.